Over 10 years, about a thousand South African winemakers left the business

Over the past decade, about a thousand grape growers from South Africa withdrew from business, which had a devastating impact on the state of the wine industry.
According to the business report, the main reasons for the closure of farms were low purchase prices and the inability of some producers to cover expenses.
"Over the past 10 years, the number of winemakers has declined from four to three thousand, that is, we lost a thousand households. This is quite a terrible statistics for the industry, "said sales manager of the wine company Kleine Zalze Anthony van Schalkwyck, analyzing the report on the wine industry.
He added that the area of ​​the vineyards was reduced by 7 thousand hectares. A significant deterioration in the situation in the coming years will lead to an increase in prices for local wines by 15-20%.